Fitting Services

Vanlocker van lock fitting service available, we cover Greater London within the M25, Slough, Surrey, Kent out as far as Maidstone and Sussex down as far as Haywards Heath.

With over 25 years experience in the security industry, dealing from a handful of vehicles to commissioning centres dealing with hundreds of vehicles a day. Vanlocker have the experience to deal with your fitting requirement however big or small.

At Vanlocker we also offer a number of van fitting services including installation and servicing so that we can offer a bespoke service from inception to implementation and all in between. This helps us refine our product offering and see exactly the hurdles we need to help our customers overcome. We use fully trained engineers to install all of the products that we supply. We can come to you, rather than you needing to leave the vehicle somewhere for a day, saving you valuable time.

We are fully self sufficient, using our own power, giving us the freedom to work almost anywhere. In all instances Vanlocker deliver products driven by technical excellence and our knowledge of end user requirements.