Van Security & Locks
Commercial vehicles have been a favourite target for thieves for many years. All too often, whilst driving around our towns and cities you see van doors which have been attacked.The locks on manufacturers vehicles are just not up to resisting the kind of attacks which we experience in the UK.
In addition to this, original van door locks are designed to suit the mass market, very often only having regular operation as standard. Vanlocker’s security locks have been developed with the van user in mind, offering specific functionality options.
This is why we have developed some unique van security locks, to help our fleet operators, courier services, goods suppliers and trades people secure their vans, without unloading their bank accounts.
Vanlocker’s van security locks have been specifically designed with the van user in mind.
Whether you are a Tradesman or Courier, Vanlocker have just the product for you to help keep your valuables secure. With high security van lock products in either deadlock or slamlock variations. Vanlocker are able to offer maximum product choice